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Oprah called the iPad a great modern invention. You may be having a hard time determining exactly how to use your iPad. This article is a crash course in the functions of the iPad.

You can wipe out your iPad battery pretty quick if you use the device to game, play music or stream video content for long periods of time. If you lessen the brightness of the screen, you can get more from your battery. It is unlikely that you will prefer the brightest setting and the improvement will be worth it.

Does your iPad prompt you to join new wifi networks all the time? You can turn this feature off by going to your settings. Pick the Wi-Fi tab. The very final option on this page can get disabled, should you want to avoid anymore prompts.

Did you accidentally launch a loud application? You can quickly turn the sound down by holding down the "vol -" button until it is muted. If you use mute often, you can set the lock orientation key to act as your mute button.

"Ding!" Does the chiming of your iPad whenever you receive another email drive you crazy? Thankfully, this feature can be easily disabled. Go to the Settings and select the General tab. Select "Sounds" under this tab. Turn off the chime or adjust the volume of it.

Shortcuts let you send messages quickly. One example is double tapping space to add a period. That removes the need for you to manually do this, and you have more time to message friends.

It's essential that you know how to treat your iPad. Never use your iPad in bright sunlight and do not leave it in your hot car. Also, your battery will be drained faster than usual. Also, keep your iPad away from liquids. Do yourself a favor, and buy a padded cover that will protect your precious device.

Are you annoyed or distracted by the constant battery life percentage displayed on your iPad's screen? If you want, you have the power to turn that off. Begin by entering the menu for your Settings. Find Usage under the General tab. You should be able to figure out how to turn off the battery percentage display on this menu.

Wouldn't you like to track a lost iPad? Simply select iCloud under Settings. Enter your Apple ID where prompted and then turn on Find My iPad. Then you can visit to find your iPad.

You can copy and paste easily. Just hold the text and choose Select. Next, choose "copy" from the popup memu. After that, go to the place where you want to paste the text and hold again. Another popup menu will appear. Choose "paste," and you're done. For a whole paragraph, you will have to tap four times.


Now you can get started with your iPad since you understand it. These tricks and advice help you to maximize your iPad. Make the most of your investment by learning as much as possible.